Sometimes I feel old. Like too old to use zsh or fish instead of bash. So, I stick to bash (well, sometimes). Anyways, following instructions probably work for zsh (oh-my-zsh) as well.

I do not use aliases extensively. But when I do, I want them to be ‘just there’. I do not remember where I got the following trick from, but its one of the adjustments to new systems I find myself to do rather sooner than later.

##Create an alias with a quick command My aliases go to their own file, ~/.bash_aliases .

# ~/.bash_aliases
# The Mother of Alias
alias nalias='echo "" >> ~/.bash_aliases;\
  vim -c "startinsert" + ~/.bash_aliases;\
  source ~/.bash_aliases'

After linking this up, e.g. with a source ~/.bash_aliases in your ~/.bashrc, you can now type nalias (“new alias”) and will be put in vim in your ~/.bash_aliases ready to enter a new alias. Once done and :xed, your new alias is ready to be used.

If you happen to work in multiple terminals, add a alias ralias='source ~/.bash_aliases' (reload alias) to allow you to quickly resource the ~/.bash_aliases.

Having a better idea?

Awesome! Get in contact with me!