updating php for nextcloud on xenial
Notes during an update process
World views
Nextcloud has a speedy release cycle (and there is controversy about that), putting quite some pressure on the admins, but sparking joy with users, as the feature development has quite some momentum.
Ubuntu follows a regular LTS release strategy since years. Wait for april in even years (and then wait a bit for added stability and experience).
php is different, I believe. The most important thing seems to be that the upcoming release of 8.0 (scheduled this month, november 2020) will render trilliards of jokes invalid.
0 == "I am 42"
# -> evaluates to true @ php <= 8.0
At least thats proposed: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/string_to_number_comparison.
php is absolutely not “my” language, but this list of changes for 8.0 seems really reasonable. I do not follow phps development, but looks like a release with really powerful changes to me.
But back to the problem. The setup is as follows: Nextcloud 19.0.4 (very recent, but not latest) on a Ubuntu 16.04 (not so recent) and php7.2 (-fpm, aged) from ondrej on an apache. Nextcloud 20 is out and 21 will only work with php7.4+ . Most likely until then the VM will need a dist-upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 - or be replaced.
Configuration files
Performance is tuned/configuration is done in following locations (in my setup):
Install php7.4 (and maybe missing modules)
apt update && apt install php7.4 php7.4-fpm
and check whether any of the modules (e.g.
) can receive updates, too.
apt install libapache2-mod-php7.4
and a2enmod php7.4
Enable fpm in apache
a2enmod proxy_fcgi setenvif
a2enconf php7.4-fpm
a2dismod php7.2-fpm
Move over/diff the configuration files
Check above mentioned files, e.g.
vimdiff /etc/php/7.{2,4}/cli/php.ini
vimdiff /etc/php/7.{2,4}/apache2/php.ini
vimdiff /etc/php/7.{2,4}/fpm/php.ini
vimdiff /etc/php/7.{2,4}/fpm/php-fpm.conf
vimdiff /etc/php/7.{2,4}/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
Restart apache and fpm service
service apach2 restart
service php7.4-fpm restart
Now, make php7.4 the default.
sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.4
php -v
Check if the workers are up
systemctl status php7.2-fpm
Remove php7.2
After some while, get rid of 7.2
apt purge php7.2
When things go wrong
Oh, they will. Keep on going. Like, you will forget to install php7.4-mysql or something.