Nice to locals: ActiveStorage might soon come with a ProxyController
is the Ruby on Rails storage framework for “uploaded” stuff like
images etc.
The whole thing is a bit complicated (with signed
keys for representations, polymorphic associations, cache-header support and so on), but here I will focus
on a single simple implementation detail.
Well engineered it was crafted as a wrapper around various “cloud” storage providers - called Services.
A local (“Disk”) service was implemented to mimic the behavior of these cloud services and allow storage on the development and testing machine. It suffers from that heritage a bit.
I use the local disk service also in production because I like to keep my systems compact and “local”.
When you (or actually, typically your browser) request a file, ActiveStorage will answer with a redirect to the actual location (for different reasons these might and should change within a cloud service setup). In the “local” setup this means that an additional redirect, request and dispatch is done for every access to the resource (lets ignore client-side cache for a second), which is not necessary in all cases.
But that issue might be gone sooner or later, as a ProxyController
was merged
this year: .
ProxyController to the rescue!
The ProxyController
will be able to “stream” the binary data directly to the
client without
Very cool, looking forward if this change will make it into a release.